xfrocks submitted a new resource: [bd] Attachment Store (version 0.9.5) - Store attachment differently and more effectively. Read more about this resource...
xfrocks updated [bd] Attachment Store with a new update entry: FTP + CloudFront support Read the rest of this update entry...
xfrocks updated [bd] Attachment Store with a new update entry: FTP + CloudFront support Read the rest of this update entry...
xfrocks updated [bd] Attachment Store with a new update entry: New "Keep Local File" option! Read the rest of this update entry...
If I switch to local storage option from S3 and refresh the attachment cache, the attachments will move from S3 to local file storage?
hlchia @xfrocks Thanks, which means in order to use local file option for S3 storage and move attachments that are already stored in S3 only, I will have to do a 2 step process: 1. Change to local storage only and refresh attachment store so that all current files in S3 will move back to local 2. Change back to S3 storage and turn-on keep local file option, and refresh attachment store, so that all current and future attachments will be in S3, while a copy will also be available in local
xfrocks @hlchia Sounds good to me. I will test doing that right now and get back to you. I think it will work.
xfrocks @hlchia I can confirmed that it works as expected. May take a while depending on the number of attachments you have and your server network.
Trying to download the latest version This attachment cannot be shown at this time. Please try back later.
xfrocks @Andy Sorry for the problem, you should be able to download now. Minor update (v0.9.8.1) has been released to fix a conflict with XenForo Resource.
xfrocks updated [bd] Attachment Store with a new update entry: Fix conflict with XenForo Resource Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm just playing about with this on my test server, and was trying to get it working via FTP upload to see how quick it loads etc (plus I get 50GB free space on cdn77.com push zones). I've got the upload part working, but what should I be entering for the Root URL? The images are reachable via: http://724781872.r.cdn77.net/2013/01/214_0ff9a4d0129df50ee14d667216b7846a.PNG but when I put http://724781872.r.cdn77.net as the root URL, it's appending the site URL before it.
xfrocks @MattW Can you take a screenshot of the option page? If you enter http://724781872.r.cdn77.net as the root URL, it should not append site URL before it.
Ok, here is something (it also explains what was happening before, as I didn't use http:// on the front of the URL the first time I rebuilt the cache). I've just changed the Root URL as I'm now using a CNAME in front of the cdn77 URL. I've saved the option in the ACP, and it's taken: View attachment 75 I've rebuilt the cache, but it's not changing the URL in the database. It's only applying it to new uploaded attachments. Code: "url";s:28:"http://724781872.r.cdn77.net";} I can change the settings back to use default, rebuild the cache, and then set back to FTP and re-add all the settings in again, rebuild the cache, and the URL will be correct (and it also re-uploads all the images to the remote FTP server).
xfrocks @MattW That explains everything. Yes, the server information is kept for each attachment to make sure existing attachment work when you switch to a second FTP server for example. Or you can have attachments in different storage options at the same time and they will still work.
vktechnology @xfrocks Hi I test with upload pictures and deleted post and wait for 3 hours and all files still in data/attachment-files/2016/12/
cjwinternet @xfrocks If a second ftp server was used, files will be be served from the new and old ftp servers. What about a subsequent cache rebuild? Would it do this one server at a time depending on which one it had the details for at the time?
Thanks for reply. I'm just trying to figure the best way to try and use this, in conjunction with Showcase and MediaGallery. I've got quite a few attachments: Code: [~/public_html/internal_data]# du -sh * 11G attachments I noticed that with this enabled, it's giving the image as the full hashed image file name, rather than the name of the image like the standard XF are presented. Is this where some of the efficiency comes in, because it's not joining the file name?
xfrocks @MattW The hash is used as a security measure to make sure the file name is valid to store in different storage system. 11GB is a lot of data, will take quite a long time if you plan to move them FYI
Yeah, I know I'm tempted to just use it with External Data directory rather than have it all go via FTP to cdn77 I've been testing moving between the storage methods, and everything seems to work OK (putting them back in their original locations) once the cache has been re-built.
xfrocks @MattW With that much data, I think external data is a good choice. I believe CDN77 will be able to serve from there just fine.
Yes, it's pulling the data and serving from the edge locations OK Code: Request URL:http://dev-cdn.z22se.com/xenforo/data/attachment-files/2013/05/756_cd5cd5fcc216828e5fffeb61c22c8f84.PNG Request Method:GET Status Code:304 Not Modified Request Headersview source Accept:text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Charset:ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3 Accept-Encoding:gzip,deflate,sdch Accept-Language:en,en-GB;q=0.8 Cache-Control:max-age=0 Connection:keep-alive Cookie:xf_session=c69fe27d0ae829e9ad5399649a1954d2 Host:dev-cdn.z22se.com If-Modified-Since:Thu, 09 May 2013 09:20:24 GMT Referer:http://dev.z22se.com/xenforo/threads/ftp-upload-2.75/ User-Agent:Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.31 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/26.0.1410.64 Safari/537.31 Response Headersview source Cache-Control:max-age=2592000 Cache-Control:public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate Connection:keep-alive Date:Thu, 09 May 2013 12:21:39 GMT Expires:Sat, 08 Jun 2013 12:18:41 GMT Last-Modified:Thu, 09 May 2013 09:20:24 GMT Pragma:public Server:nginx X-Age:12 X-Cache:HIT X-Edge-IP: X-Edge-Location:Atlanta, US
Migrated over to my live site now Code: [~/public_html/data/attachment-files]# du -sh * 785M 2008 1.6G 2009 1.5G 2010 881M 2011 2.3G 2012 3.7G 2013 4.0K index.html One issue I've got is that I adjusted an add-on to pull media from the xenmediagallery. Everything is working apart from the thumbnails. This is the SQL query I'm using Code: SELECT attachment.attachment_id, attachment.data_id, attachment_data.data_id, attachment_data.file_hash, attachment_data.thumbnail_width, attachment_data.thumbnail_height, attachment_data.upload_date, media.media_id, media.media_title, media.media_state, media.attachment_id FROM xf_attachment AS attachment INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS attachment_data ON (attachment_data.data_id = attachment.data_id) INNER JOIN xengallery_media AS media ON (media.attachment_id = attachment.attachment_id) WHERE attachment.content_type = "xengallery_media" I'm guessing I now need to change the attachment_data. I've seen that Bob replaced his whole data section in his query with this: Code: ' . XenForo_Model_Attachment::$dataColumns . '
All working Code: SELECT attachment.attachment_id, attachment.data_id, ' . XenForo_Model_Attachment::$dataColumns . ', media.media_id, media.media_title, media.media_state, media.attachment_id FROM xf_attachment AS attachment INNER JOIN xf_attachment_data AS data ON (data.data_id = attachment.data_id) INNER JOIN xengallery_media AS media ON (media.attachment_id = attachment.attachment_id) WHERE attachment.content_type = "xengallery_media" ORDER BY data.upload_date DESC
MattW: I believe the latest version of Xen Media Gallery has that fix included. http://xenmediagallery.com/threads/xen-media-gallery-1-1-2-released.180/
MattW @xfrocks It does, but I'm using the Recent Attachments Block that I'd manually edited to work with media items. It's all working now after I changed the SQL query per the above.
Hello, I have just purchased and installed your attachment addon. My main use is to use the ftp service into a sub domain on another server which I have set up correctly. I have a question: I have enabled local storage as well as FTP storage. I really would like to keep the attachments only on the ftp server rather than keeping a local copy. If at any point in the future I wanted to revert the attachments back to the default Xenforo attachment folder, how would I do this? Thanks in advance Simon
Hello, Ok, I think I understand the process now but have a few more scenarios that would like to cover. 1) If I have set to store attachment on another server using ftp and on a subdomain img.mydomain.com using your addon. I now wish to change the server of the attachments using the same sub domain. A) Do I now need to re build the attachment catches in default xenforo system locally and then enter the new ftp server details and rebuild again or B) Backup the old ftp server data and move to new server. Then update the new FTP server location in the addon Option in admincp of xenforo I guess what I am trying to ask is what information is stored about the paths of the attachment. Is it just the sub domain or both domain and FTP Passwords. Also where is this information stored (in database?) 2) If at anytime, I need to reimport attachments back into xenforo default attachment system to move them to a new external attachment system is it safe to delete the attachments in Xenforo default system one I have completed the 2 step process as they are no longer being served from there. Hope this makes sense. Thanks In Advance
xfrocks @simon For (1), you will need to do (a). The URL is stored in the database with the attachment record. It was designed this way so you can have attachment served from multiple servers at once (reading). Please note that at any given time you can only save attachment to one server (writing). If you plan to move server, I think it's possible to write a script to update the address and save everyone's time and resource. For (2), when you move the attachment around using the rebuild tool, the local file will be deleted unless you choose to keep a local copy. You can delete the local copy if you want to (knowing that you will need to run the rebuild tool if you want to disable/uninstall this add-on).