Secondary content style all the way...?

Discussion in '[bd] Widget Framework' started by HenrikHansen, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. HenrikHansen

    HenrikHansen Member

    Anyone know some css code I can add that make all widgets think they are secondary content (i.e like the sidebar) and therefore has same style as the widgets in the sidebar? (i.e. all widgets look the same, no matter where they are placed).
  2. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Well, it doesn't work that way...

    Which renderer are you having trouble using?
    1. HenrikHansen

      HenrikHansen Member

      HenrikHansen @xfrocks Only threads renderer
    2. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @HenrikHansen For Threads renderer, edit the widget and choose a layout (do not choose the default).
    3. HenrikHansen

      HenrikHansen Member

      HenrikHansen @xfrocks That only makes the layout similar to the ones in the sidebar, not the style ;)
    4. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @HenrikHansen Sorry I didn't get you what meant "not the style"? It should look the same if you choose a specific layout (not "default"), for both sidebar and hook positions.
  3. HenrikHansen

    HenrikHansen Member

    Here is what I get if I choose sidebar style for the widgets, one in sidebar, the other above threads.
  4. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Yes, the header is styled differently. Your version is a bit old but in latest version it is still different. This is intended and will not be changed. If you wish, you can easily use CSS to style it to match the sidebar header (I do not recommend though).

    Btw, it looks like you chose sidebar layout for the hook position and sidebar with snippet layout for the template position? And you hid the avatar?
  5. HenrikHansen

    HenrikHansen Member

    What makes you conclude that? It should be latest version.
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @HenrikHansen The latest version has that header in bold so... which version are you on?
    2. HenrikHansen

      HenrikHansen Member

      HenrikHansen @xfrocks 2.4.2
    3. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @HenrikHansen With v2.4.2, I believe the header is in bold? In your screenshot, the text has normal weight.
  6. yavuz

    yavuz Member

    I'm glad I'm not th eonly one who thinks this looks really bad. I've contacted someone good with styling. Hopefully we'll get somewhere.
    1. HenrikHansen

      HenrikHansen Member

      HenrikHansen @yavuz I suggest the next steps should mainly be improvements in style, instead of new features. Look for example at advanced statistics addon above forum. The widget framework could almost do the same, with some extra styling. Indeed looks better than the screenshot I posted above.

      Brivium - Premium XenForo Addon / Style Club

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      xfrocks likes this.