Tag/Forum question

Discussion in '[bd] API' started by cees50, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. cees50

    cees50 New Member

    I m having a question.

    I set up XF and wp in a test environment. Both are the latest versions. There are no other add ons present on both sites

    Its working great. Except..

    The only thing is that the drop down in the xf api consumer under post &comments, isn't synct.

    If i am making a post in WP with tag. I go to the api, and wanted to set that if i use that tag it has to go to an xf forum. So i click the first arrow behind Tags/forum mappings, and i can see all the tags. Then i click on he second arrow, and i only see one forum. (main forum) So the other forums arent visible. The strange thing is that i renamed the Main forum, but it is still showing Main forum in the api on the wp side.
  2. cees50

    cees50 New Member

    Do more people have this problem?? Or am i the only one.
  3. TomA

    TomA New Member

    Same problem.

    Forums created after the api was installed doesn't show in the forums drop down.

    The tags drop down is updated as soon a new tag is added.

    Any ideas?