XenForo API Consumer WP-Admin

Discussion in '[bd] API' started by ablac, Aug 30, 2014.

  1. ablac

    ablac New Member

    This plugin make my WP-Admin completely unusable, Login using WP-Admin login (Before API is even configured) takes 5 - 10 min, Loading the General settings, takes 5 - 10 more min... Configuring the API and hitting Save does nothing but loads forever... Removing the API though makes my WP-Admin page instant again. So theres defiantly something with with this wordpress plugin, not sure if theres a fix for this but it really sucks that i paid for this and it doesn't work :(
  2. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Which version of WordPress are you using? List of plugin would be useful too. I think you have some kind of conflict.
  3. ablac

    ablac New Member

    Wordpress Version 3.9.2
    Wordfence Security & SSH SFTP Updater Support. (I only have SSH SFTP Updater support enabled when im using it)

    having both of my Mods disabled, and then enabling the XenForo API, causes the WP-Admin site to come to a Screaching hault, taking about a min just to Activate the API, and another min or 2 to get into the settings.
  4. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Have you configured the plugin? (enter the root path, api key/secret)?
  5. ablac

    ablac New Member

    I have configured the XenForo add-on, but the wordpress end freezes and never saves when I finally get to the settings tab, It just sits there for ever after hitting save.
  6. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Oh. So you have been able to reach the options page for the first time to enter the API URL? What is the address? I think WordPress is having problem loading the URL therefore it has to try every time and causes slowness.
  7. ablac

    ablac New Member

    I created a video demonstrating, Its currently being processed by youtube and I'll post the link in a sec.
  8. ablac

    ablac New Member

  9. ablac

    ablac New Member

    Strangely, I switched to a new host (HostGator) instead of Selfhosted over a VPS, and the API is working perfectly now... so it was something wrong with the VPS...
  10. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Oh, that's good to know.

    And sorry for the late response. I'm still catching up with my messages.