[bd] Medal System FAQ

Discussion in '[bd] Medal System' started by xfrocks, Apr 16, 2013.

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  1. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

  2. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Q: Can I change the number of medals showing?
    A: Go to AdminCP > Appearance > Style Properties > Message Elements. There you can see "[bd] Medal - Maximum" at the very bottom. Set the maximum value to 0 to show them all.

    Q: Is there any way to specify display order?
    A: There is an option in AdminCP > Home > Options > [bd] Medal to configure the display order. It can either be award date or by medal display order.

    Q: How would I move the awards to another location in the miniprofile.
    A: For positioning purpose, you can select one from 4 positions in AdminCP. If you want to put it somewhere else, just put <xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" /> anywhere inside template "message_user_info".

    Q: How can I put this in the signature?
    A: You can select manual position and edit the "message" template then put "<xen:include template="bdmedal_message_medals" /> " in the signature part.

    Q: Is there a way to display "Awards Earned" before the medals show in the user message area?
    A: You can edit template to add the text. The template is "bdmedal_message_medals". Replace it with something like this:

    <xen:if is="is_array({$user.xf_bdmedal_awarded_cached})">
    Awards Earned:<br/>
    xen:foreach loop="$user.xf_bdmedal_awarded_cached" key="$keyvalue="$medal">
    xen:if is="{xen:property bdMedal_messageMax} == 0 OR {xen:property bdMedal_messageMax} > {$key}">
    a href="{xen:link 'members/medals', {$user}}"
    class="OverlayTrigger Tooltip"
    title="<xen:if is="{$medal.hackableCustomTitle}"><xen:else />{$medal.name}<xen:if is="{$medal.award_date} AND {xen:property bdMedal_messageShowDate}">. {xen:phrase awarded}: {xen:datetime {$medal.award_date}}</xen:if></xen:if>"
    data-offsetY="-{xen:calc '{xen:helper medalimagesize, {xen:property bdMedal_messageImageSize}} - 5'}"
    xen:helper medalimage, {$medal}, {xen:property bdMedal_messageImageSize}}
    XFNewbie likes this.
  3. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Q: How do people get these medals? Is it done manually by admins/mods?
    A: Manually in AdminCP > Applications > Medal System > Medals.

    Q: Is it possible to alert user when a medal is awarded?
    A: An alert is sent every time a medal is awarded. Please note that alert will not be sent if you are awarding yourself.
    XFNewbie likes this.
  4. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

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  5. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Q: What is your stance on this being included based on criteria? For example a user meets a specific post count and they are automatically award x-medal.
    A: A paid add-on is available which will integrate [bd] Medal System with XenForo trophies. When a trophy is given, a medal will show up in user inventory. You can get it here.
    XFNewbie likes this.