Trophy Extension [Paid] 1.0.0

Trophy Extension for [bd] Medal System

  1. Axel B

    Axel B New Member

    @xfrocks, excellent! The solution is different, but the end result is the same :) Love it ;)
    Want me to put in some money to make it? Tell me and I will gladly help out. Love this addon. I have many many happy forum users ;)
  2. Kaynil

    Kaynil New Member

    First of all, thank you for this add-on. I am happy something like this exists. I am probably coming witha d'uh question but here I go.
    Do I still need to install the free add-on alongside this one or can this add-on works just by its own?
    Thank you very much in advance. :)
  3. RoldanLT

    RoldanLT Active Member

    BD Medal addon? yes.
    xfrocks and Kaynil like this.
  4. Kaynil

    Kaynil New Member

    Thank you very much, @RoldanLT
    Like they say: better safe than sorry. :)
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Kaynil Have you ran into any problems with the add-on?
  5. Kaynil

    Kaynil New Member

    Hello. Thank you for asking.
    I successfully installed it and so far it seems to be working correctly.
    If I have more doubts I'll let you know here, or anywhere you prefer.
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Kaynil Good to know. It's best to ask at this site btw.
      Kaynil likes this.
  6. CMPuLs3

    CMPuLs3 New Member

    The rebuild cache for the medals always seems to stop after X amount. Just picks a random amount it seems; usually around 300-400.

    504 Gateway timeout or gives me an error message,

    An error occurred or the request was stopped.

    Google Chrome & Internet Explorer. Xenforo 1.4.3
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @CMPuLs3 Can't you just refresh the browser and let it continue?
    2. CMPuLs3

      CMPuLs3 New Member

      CMPuLs3 @xfrocks I refresh & it doesn't continue. It just keeps on that number.

      Just got this error,

    3. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

    4. CMPuLs3

      CMPuLs3 New Member

      CMPuLs3 @xfrocks Yeah, a very big amount. I have awards for posting 1 time and stuff.
    5. CMPuLs3

      CMPuLs3 New Member

      CMPuLs3 @xfrocks Now I'm having issues with medals being awarded twice,

      caoanh204 likes this.
  7. CMPuLs3

    CMPuLs3 New Member

  8. wapsilog

    wapsilog New Member

    @xfrocks here too having hard time rebuilding trophies... always stop on certain ID... try refresh several times in the end it just hang... any solution?

    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @wapsilog How many trophies / users do you have?
  9. wapsilog

    wapsilog New Member

    #50 wapsilog, Aug 10, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
    i just setup an award system base on likes... here is my setup... we have 20,000 users... @xfrocks

    med.png Untitled.png
  10. wapsilog

    wapsilog New Member

  11. Kaynil

    Kaynil New Member

    Hello. It's been a while. I would like to know if this paid extension is still mantained. :)

    I run a bilingual community and I am trying to active the same add-ons in both sides.
    I can't find a way to pay you for a second license, since I unlocked the resource with my first page.
    I honestly don't remember if it was pay-pl or what but feel free to PM to instruct me how should we proceed.
    Thanks in advance.
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Kaynil It's still being supported. Since it's working without issues with latest version of XenForo, there is no new update for now.
      You only need to buy once, you can use it on as many sites of yours as needed.
      RoldanLT likes this.
  12. RoldanLT

    RoldanLT Active Member

    Still I am using this addon and it works great.
  13. aeriverse

    aeriverse New Member


    after purchasing the free add on are we meant to upgrade it with the paid extension ? or are they meant to be separate.

    also, is there a way to centre an individual badge automatically?

    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @aeriverse Hmm, you shouldn't have to purchase the free one, because it's free eh?
      The base add-on ([bd] Medals) is supposed to work independently. You only need the extensions if you want their features.
      aeriverse likes this.
  14. aeriverse

    aeriverse New Member

    Back again, sorry for the questions.

    But, is it possible to change the name 'medals' to a different one on the menu
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @aeriverse You can change the phrases. There are a few ones, please do a search in AdminCP and update them all.
  15. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda Member

    #59 Nirjonadda, May 29, 2017
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
    @xfrocks Why Trophies are duplicate added in Medal ACP? Also getting ERROR from Rebuilding Caches.

    Error Info
    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
    Generated By: Nirjon, 1 minute ago
    Stack Trace
    #0 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
    #1 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
    #2 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter/Alert.php(99): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('\n\t\t\tUPDATE xf_u...', Array)
    #3 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1423): XenForo_DataWriter_Alert->_postSave()
    #4 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Alert.php(452): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
    #5 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Alert.php(425): XenForo_Model_Alert->alertUser(607, 1, 'Nirjon', 'medal', 16, 'award', NULL)
    #6 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedal/DataWriter/Awarded.php(44): XenForo_Model_Alert::alert(607, 1, 'Nirjon', 'medal', 16, 'award')
    #7 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedal/DataWriter/Awarded.php(11): bdMedal_DataWriter_Awarded->_alertUser()
    #8 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1423): bdMedal_DataWriter_Awarded->_postSave()
    #9 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedal/Model/Awarded.php(54): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
    #10 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedalTrophy/CacheRebuilder/User.php(71): bdMedal_Model_Awarded->award(Array, Array)
    #11 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerHelper/CacheRebuild.php(26): bdMedalTrophy_CacheRebuilder_User->rebuild(607, Array, NULL)
    #12 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Tools.php(81): XenForo_ControllerHelper_CacheRebuild->rebuildCache(Array, 'https://www.nir...', 'admin.php?tools...', true)
    #13 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Tools->actionCacheRebuild()
    #14 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
    #15 /home/nadda/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
    #16 {main}
    Request State
    array(3) {
      ["url"] => string(56) ""
      ["_GET"] => array(1) {
        ["tools/cache-rebuild"] => string(0) ""
      ["_POST"] => array(5) {
        ["process"] => string(1) "1"
        ["caches"] => string(40) "[["bdMedalTrophy_User",{"batch":"100"}]]"
        ["position"] => string(3) "605"
        ["redirect"] => string(50) ""
        ["_xfToken"] => string(8) "********"
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Nirjonadda When you add the trophy, you can choose to allow duplicated award or not.

      Regarding your error, how many medals do you have on the site?
    2. Nirjonadda

      Nirjonadda Member

      Nirjonadda @xfrocks You are asked the Medals or Trophies?

      11 Medals and 19 Trophies
  16. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda Member

    #60 Nirjonadda, May 30, 2017
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
  17. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda Member

    @xfrocks Please let me know this fix.
  18. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda Member

    Still are no response, @xfrocks are you feeling any responsibility for this add-on? Please fix this bug issue, I am still can not use this add-on.
  19. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Sorry for the late response, I meant awarded medals as in how many medals have you given to user. We have sites with tens of thousand of them and it rebuilds without issue (albeit slowly).
    1. Nirjonadda

      Nirjonadda Member

      Nirjonadda @xfrocks We have 19 automatically given awarded medals from Trophies and manually given awarded medals 11 but still are not work, having hard time rebuilding trophies... always stop on certain ID... try refresh several times in the end it just hang. The same issue reported @CMPuLs3 @wapsilog

    2. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Nirjonadda Unfortunately we cannot reproduce the issue on our side therefore cannot issue a fix. I have contacted you via convo requesting server access, please continue over there. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    3. Nirjonadda

      Nirjonadda Member

      Nirjonadda @xfrocks All Details are send to PM.
      xfrocks likes this.
  20. Nirjonadda

    Nirjonadda Member

    #67 Nirjonadda, Jun 10, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
    No, Still are not work. Its bug add-on, also its not show message in admin cp Rebuild Caches are not completed successfully or Rebuild Caches are completed successfully. Also this add-on does forum slowly and when run the Rebuild Caches "Rebuild User Trophies' Medals" the user does Generated server error log.

    Error Info
    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
    Generated By: নির্জনে পথিক, 16 minutes ago
    Stack Trace
    #0 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
    #1 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
    #2 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage.php(927): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE xf_...', Array)
    #3 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage/Post.php(200): XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage->_updateUserMessageCount(false)
    #4 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter/DiscussionMessage.php(559): XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage_Post->_updateUserMessageCount()
    #5 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1423): XenForo_DataWriter_DiscussionMessage->_postSave()
    #6 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(578): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
    #7 /home/nadda/public_html/library/phc/AttachmentPlus/Extend/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(77): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionAddReply()
    #8 /home/nadda/public_html/library/VfcodersHH/ControllerPublic/Thread.php(38): phc_AttachmentPlus_Extend_XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionAddReply()
    #9 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): VfcodersHH_ControllerPublic_Thread->actionAddReply()
    #10 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
    #11 /home/nadda/public_html/index.php(17): XenForo_FrontController->run()
    #12 {main}
    Request State
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    Error Info
    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
    Generated By: Nirjon, 18 minutes ago
    Stack Trace
    #0 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
    #1 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
    #2 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(632): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('UPDATE `xf_user...', Array)
    #3 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1654): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->update('xf_user', Array, '(user_id = 1)')
    #4 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1623): XenForo_DataWriter->_update()
    #5 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1419): XenForo_DataWriter->_save()
    #6 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Misc.php(39): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
    #7 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Snog/Stylestats/ControllerPublic/Misc.php(21): XenForo_ControllerPublic_Misc->actionStyle()
    #8 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): Snog_Stylestats_ControllerPublic_Misc->actionStyle()
    #9 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
    #10 /home/nadda/public_html/index.php(17): XenForo_FrontController->run()
    #11 {main}
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    Error Info
    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
    Generated By: Unknown Account, 25 minutes ago
    Stack Trace
    #0 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
    #1 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
    #2 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(632): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('UPDATE `xf_user...', Array)
    #3 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Session.php(444): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->update('xf_user', Array, '(user_id = 1)')
    #4 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/CronEntry/CleanUp.php(32): XenForo_Model_Session->updateUserLastActivityFromSessions()
    #5 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Cron.php(356): XenForo_CronEntry_CleanUp::runHourlyCleanUp(Array)
    #6 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Deferred/Cron.php(24): XenForo_Model_Cron->runEntry(Array)
    #7 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(295): XenForo_Deferred_Cron->execute(Array, Array, 99.999999046326, '')
    #8 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(429): XenForo_Model_Deferred->runDeferred(Array, 99.999999046326, '', false)
    #9 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Deferred.php(374): XenForo_Model_Deferred->_runInternal(Array, 100, '', false)
    #10 /home/nadda/public_html/deferred.php(23): XenForo_Model_Deferred->run(false)
    #11 {main}
    Request State
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        ["_xfRequestUri"] => string(30) "/forums/na-pics-zone.41/"
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        ["_xfResponseType"] => string(4) "json"
    Error Info
    Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli_Exception: Mysqli statement execute error : Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php:214
    Generated By: Nirjon, 30 minutes ago
    Stack Trace
    #0 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Statement.php(297): Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute(Array)
    #1 /home/nadda/public_html/library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php(479): Zend_Db_Statement->execute(Array)
    #2 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter/Alert.php(99): Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract->query('\n\t\t\tUPDATE xf_u...', Array)
    #3 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1423): XenForo_DataWriter_Alert->_postSave()
    #4 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Alert.php(452): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
    #5 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/Model/Alert.php(425): XenForo_Model_Alert->alertUser(2033, 1, 'Nirjon', 'medal', 16, 'award', NULL)
    #6 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedal/DataWriter/Awarded.php(44): XenForo_Model_Alert::alert(2033, 1, 'Nirjon', 'medal', 16, 'award')
    #7 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedal/DataWriter/Awarded.php(11): bdMedal_DataWriter_Awarded->_alertUser()
    #8 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/DataWriter.php(1423): bdMedal_DataWriter_Awarded->_postSave()
    #9 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedal/Model/Awarded.php(54): XenForo_DataWriter->save()
    #10 /home/nadda/public_html/library/bdMedalTrophy/CacheRebuilder/User.php(71): bdMedal_Model_Awarded->award(Array, Array)
    #11 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerHelper/CacheRebuild.php(26): bdMedalTrophy_CacheRebuilder_User->rebuild(2033, Array, NULL)
    #12 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/ControllerAdmin/Tools.php(81): XenForo_ControllerHelper_CacheRebuild->rebuildCache(Array, 'https://www.nir...', 'admin.php?tools...', true)
    #13 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(351): XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Tools->actionCacheRebuild()
    #14 /home/nadda/public_html/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
    #15 /home/nadda/public_html/admin.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
    #16 {main}
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