[bd] Attachment Store for XenForo 1 [Paid] 1.3.7

Store attachment differently and more effectively.

  1. osxinfo

    osxinfo New Member

  2. osxinfo

    osxinfo New Member

    I bought this plug-in but I can not use it. Because the developer has not yet responded to the problem that I have shared in the previous message. Nice support!
  3. osxinfo

    osxinfo New Member

    #457 osxinfo, Feb 20, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
    I've changed AWS keys and The delay process is active. Files are added correctly. However, when moves files to S3 all images disappear.
    Screen Shot 2017-02-20 at 11.42.40.png
  4. joec

    joec New Member

    It's a good feature, though not quite what we need. But I'm currently planning on running a customized version of this addon anyway, so no worries.

    No, I mean instance profile credentials, which allow an EC2 instance to assume an IAM role without ever needing the access key id and secret key. It's only applicable to EC2 instances of course, and it's more of a "would be nice" feature than any kind of requirement.

    Understood. BTW, I noticed another issue with key naming: thumbnails are always given the extension .jpg, even though XF generates thumbnails in the same format as the original attachment. This means we can end up with PNG or GIF thumbnails using the .jpg extension, which causes S3 to serve them with the wrong MIME type. Browsers seem to handle this fine, but it should probably be fixed at some point.
  5. osxinfo

    osxinfo New Member

    @xfrocks What do we need to do to get a quick answer? :)
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @osxinfo Sorry for the late response, how is it working now? I guess there might be issue with the bucket policy.
  6. hoangnamdoan33

    hoangnamdoan33 New Member

    anh em sử dụng amz c3 giờ muốn chuyển về localhosst thì phải làm sao ạ
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @hoangnamdoan33 Bạn chuyển option về default rồi chạy move tool là được nhé.
  7. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Ah, that is nice. I didn't know about this feature. And it looks like we need to use Amazon SDK to take advantage of it which the current structure does not allow. We may revisit this again on our XF2 rewrite.

    Yes, it's a problem we inherited from the way XenForo generate thumbnail. There is no plan to address this for now though :(
  8. TheComputerGuy

    TheComputerGuy New Member

    #464 TheComputerGuy, Mar 21, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2017
    Is there anyway to force SSL compliance?

    In the media addon from xenforo, the S3 bucket doesn't show the ssl version of the site. I told the addon to only use the https version of the attachments.
  9. RoldanLT

    RoldanLT Active Member

    What does this rebuild option exactly do?
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @RoldanLT It move files from their storage to the one configured in AdminCP > Options > Attachments.
      RoldanLT likes this.
  10. RoldanLT

    RoldanLT Active Member

    Move, so nothing will be left on internal_data folder?
    I just did the rebuild (using /data/ folder), so I can't uninstall this addon or else old attachments will not work?
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @RoldanLT Moving will free your hard drive but you can always run the move again to have them back in default locations.
      RoldanLT likes this.
  11. RoldanLT

    RoldanLT Active Member

    Nice, very solid addon (y).
  12. hoangnamdoan33

    hoangnamdoan33 New Member

    Nếu có thêm dropbox thì hay quá anh ơi
  13. TheComputerGuy

    TheComputerGuy New Member

    Is anyone using the AMS from xenaddons? The images aren't loading although they are on the AWS, and work correctly....
  14. Semper Fidelis

    Semper Fidelis New Member

    I was having a similar problem when I was trying to use a custom URL instead of just the S3 bucket URL.
  15. TheComputerGuy

    TheComputerGuy New Member

    Thank you for the reply, I'm not using a custom URL, just domain.aws... when I look at the source the aws URL shows.
  16. Semper Fidelis

    Semper Fidelis New Member

    When you right click on the source URL on your forum is the URL your S3 object URL? In other words, do you see one of those broken image pictures and can you right click on it and get the URL and it points to the actual s3 object? If so, is it possible that you have not set the bucket permissions properly?
  17. thienbui

    thienbui Member

    How to fix ?


    Attached Files:

  18. cjwinternet

    cjwinternet New Member

    #476 cjwinternet, Jul 15, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2017
    We've nearly reached the file number limit on our CDN. Can we stop the importer and enter new details for a new CDN?
  19. alfa1

    alfa1 Active Member

    Since turning this on some thumb images do not display. This happens today in XFMG and AMS. Rebuilding thumbs doesn't help.
    I am running:
    - attachment improvements
    - lazy load images
    both by Xon.
  20. Nano2nd

    Nano2nd New Member

    bought this today and been playing with it on my test server, whilst the core functionality works okay can someone explain how i manually move my 500,000 images to S3 - i've no issue using the AWS s3 cli - i just need to understand the process... if i copy the internal_data folder as is, which task to i run to relink the images? or is that not how it works?

    also has anyone got any experience using this with ConvertImage & ConvertImageAll? they don't seem to work together... ideally i want everything in S3, both attachments and remote images via the convertimage addons
    kontrabass likes this.
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Nano2nd The fastest way is to use external data mode, run the move tool so your files are move from internal_data to external one. Afterwards use your favorite tool to sync data/attachment-files to s3 (during that time, just let new attachment save into external data). Running the tool several time to make sure all files are uploaded then switch to s3 mode. Run the storage options tool to point existing attachment to s3 instead of external data. Done.

      It's a bit complicated. An easier way is to switch to s3 mode right away and just run the move tool. The add-on will upload the file one by one. That will be slower than cli tools though.

      Which convert add-on are you asking about? I assume you want to convert IMG bb code urls into attachments? Most tool should work fine with this add-on.
      kontrabass likes this.
    2. kontrabass

      kontrabass New Member

      kontrabass @xfrocks We use the same convert addons (andyB 's ConvertImage and ConvertImageAll). I don't currently have this addon installed but will want to do the same and move attachments to s3 soon. I'm using ConvertImageAll to convert 2 million hotlinked images to attachments (saving all photobucket images from 2000 to present). I don't see why the addons wouldn't work together, but haven't tried yet.
      xfrocks likes this.
    3. Nano2nd

      Nano2nd New Member

      Nano2nd @xfrocks does the external data folder have to be somewhere in particular? just tried that with a /attachments folder and the upload a file process fails

      as above the addons are - andyB 's ConvertImage and ConvertImageAll
    4. cjwinternet

      cjwinternet New Member

      cjwinternet @Nano2nd We just imported and moved 1.4m images using attachment store and Convert Image All. Took a week to import the images, then two weeks to upload them.

      bd worked perfectly, convert image all doesn't convert all images, some hosts like imgur don't come over, maybe it'll be updated to do that in future.

      You need to keep 'working the queue' to keep track of where you are, edit and / or ignore posts that won't convert.