BD cache and AMP errors

Discussion in 'Other' started by sami simo, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. sami simo

    sami simo New Member

    I had to disable BD cache, because I still get AMP related errors even when The AMP feature is disabled.

    Server error log :
    ErrorException: Fatal Error: Class 'bdImage_ShippableHelper_ImageSize' not found - library/bdCache/ShippableHelper/ImageSize.php:17

    Google sent me also this message:
  2. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Looks like you installed [bd] Image but some older version. Please consider updating to v1.2.2 (

    Regarding the AMP errors, once Google found your AMP page they won't remove it even after you disable the amp link from real pages. This may be a bug on their bots I think. Or maybe it will take sometime for them to drop those pages.