bd Image styling problem

Discussion in 'Other' started by motowebmaster, Nov 30, 2014.

  1. motowebmaster

    motowebmaster New Member

    Regarding the Attachments Grid widget.

    Whenever I add a border-color property, either in the wf_default_extra.css template or directly in the grid template itself, I break the thumbnail layout - forcing the images in the widget to display in a single column.

    This will work:
    .bdImage_Widget_Grid_Container img {border-radius:4px;}
    This will break it, I'm using an XF color variable but input the intended hex color below:
    .bdImage_Widget_Grid_Container img {border-radius:4px;border-color:#aaaaaa;}
    I can insert a border-style and border-width value without any problem. Things go wrong when the color value is inserted, either as a separate property or shorthand.
  2. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Can you take a screenshot and/or provide a url of the page with the issue?
  3. motowebmaster

    motowebmaster New Member
