xfrocks submitted a new resource: [bd] Keyword Alert - Keep track of important matters. Read more about this resource...
xfrocks @MattW Looks like you have warning turned on for PHP errors. Please ignore them for now, new version is coming soon.
xfrocks updated [bd] Keyword Alert with a new update entry: Bug fix Read the rest of this update entry...
xfrocks @Sheldon What is your error_reporting configuration for PHP? I tried to turn on all error report + display error = On and yet I can't see those warning on my site. Weird. Making it really hard to fix this kind of issue.
xfrocks @Sheldon Probably not. Btw, v1.0.4c has been uploaded, please try it. You only need to import the XML.
You can perform checks to limit the number of notification. It's advanced stuff. Example Code: user_id = 1 Will return match for post by user #1 only. Some other things to check: username, post_id, post_thread_id, forum_id.
How about to implement the xf core alert system to this addon? and individual users can select if they want alert + mail, only alert, only mail, or nothing on each keyword alert. cause my active forum users don't want mail spamming and love the alert system it should be configurable in ACP that "only alerts" is default option, cause I would use that for my users.
@xfrocks, No email alerts are getting sent out with this addon. I manually run the cron and it does not do anything. If it matters I use your mails addon with mandril and everything else seems to be working fine interms of sending emails out of the board.
xfrocks @The Dark Wizard Which mode of notification are you using? Instant or daily or else? How long have you used this add-on? All users are having problem or only you?
xfrocks @The Dark Wizard Please start a conversation with me with your site URL and your account credentials. I need to take a look at the keyword list. Sorry for the inconvenience.