[bd] Keyword Alert for XenForo 1 1.1.3 Beta 1

Keep track of important matters.

  1. xfrocks
    [bd] Keyword Alert
    Keep track of important matters.

    1. Setup email notification for keywords and posters
    2. 4 delivery mode: immediately, daily, weekly, monthly
    2. User-group permissions to use the feature
    3. Cron processing to reduce server load and number of email.

    1. Upload files and directories inside `upload` to XenForo's root directory. Select "Merge" for everything if you are asked
    2. Import the .xml file using XenForo add-on importer
    4. Configure user-group permission [Keyword Alert] Can use
    5. Test creating new alert by going to http://domain.com/xenforo/account/keyword-alert (please note that email won't be sent out until the cron job runs, even for immediate delivery)

    This add-on is available without extra cost for our users who purchased any of the account upgrades. Please note that upon upgrade expiration, the download right will be revoked.


    1. Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 6.11.19 PM.png
    2. Screen Shot 2014-04-01 at 6.10.51 PM.png
    XFNewbie likes this.

Recent Updates

  1. Minor update
  2. Bug fix
  3. Bug fix

Recent Reviews

  1. kontrabass
    Version: 1.0.5
    I have to say, this add-on got me the highest number of "thumbs up" posts from our membership, than any other add-on we've installed. Members LOVE it.
  2. MattW
    Version: 1.0.4c
    Excellent add-on, and a great addition to my "Traders" package