Arcade Project section?

Discussion in 'XF Arcade' started by Alien, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Alien

    Alien Member

    Well, it's been a month since the announcement and was hoping for a few tidbits or plans for the future...

    When will we be talking about this project here?

  2. Forum Lover

    Forum Lover New Member

    The way I planned, I would have an wp setup with this or that. And use bd api.

    The only problem is skinning xf & wp same. :(

    Atlease same header & footer will work for me.
  3. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    I'm still waiting for some last minute edits from Kevin. He is kinda busy (like me :oops:) so he hasn't replied yet.
    D.O.A., ehsan and Alien like this.
    1. Forum Lover

      Forum Lover New Member

      Forum Lover @xfrocks How bout my idea?
    2. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

    3. gemma

      gemma Member

      gemma @xfrocks I mentioned this to Kevin the other day, I think the edits are something to do with the navigation system he was working on and documented here -

      How much will kill you?

      How much of your favorite energy drink, soda, or caffeinated food would it take to kill you? Take this quick test and find out: Caffeine Calculator Caffeine amounts of tea, coffee, soft drinks...

      He seems kinda busy so not sure whether these edits will appear any time soon :p
      Alien likes this.
    4. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @gemma :(
  4. ozsports

    ozsports New Member

    Cant wait to see it here as I just went to download it for a new site and cant get it anywhere at the moment so looking forward to it being on here.
  5. Alien

    Alien Member


    C'mon Kevin! Get him those edits! :)
    tajhay, ehsan, Veer and 1 other person like this.
  6. D.O.A.

    D.O.A. New Member

    nice I'd love to see this project come back to life!
    Alien and xfrocks like this.
  7. Giorgi

    Giorgi New Member

    I wonder is there is any plans?
  8. gemma

    gemma Member

  9. Alien

    Alien Member

    Those GUI changes were from 9 months ago, and I'm not sure how far they had gotten...

    This overall layout was what most seemed interested in, though using the XF sidebar code and having it on the right side instead was fine enough... It seemed like Kevin had been in the early stages of those improvements. I'd hate to wait weeks/months on jump-starting this project for the GUI changes alone...

    RoldanLT, Allan, Veer and 1 other person like this.
    1. Kevin

      Kevin New Member

      Kevin @Alien The changes that I forwarded to XFR are the basic minor GUI changes that can/will eventually serve as the basis for the full-blown overhaul proposed in that mockup. For the short-term XFR will likely be kept busy with getting v3A game compatibility restored and minor tweaks.
  10. Alien

    Alien Member

    Of course, if this gets re-coded and with a modular type of system to use other arcades like kongregate and myarcadeplugin (wordpress) that would be quite interesting as well (something alluded to earlier in this thread)...
  11. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    I think we will just drop support for that service.

    It is modular from the beginning :)
    XenForo, Veer, gemma and 1 other person like this.
  12. Giorgi

    Giorgi New Member

    Soo... is this project still on going? looks like it is dead.
    1. Alien

      Alien Member

      Alien @Giorgi A look a few posts before yours gives you the answers you're looking for...
  13. gemma

    gemma Member

    1. Kevin

      Kevin New Member

      Kevin @gemma I'm browsing from work so I can't surf those pages but do they offer ad revenue sharing like Mochi did?
    2. gemma

      gemma Member

      gemma @Kevin No I don't think they do. I don't think there is anything that offers ad revenue sharing.

      ArmorGames have an API (well, it's called AGI) -

      There was also a link on their website called "Make Money From Your Website" but the link is broken so I'm not sure if that was some kind of revenue sharing scheme or not -
      Kevin likes this.
  14. Cats777

    Cats777 New Member

  15. gemma

    gemma Member

    I removed all the Mochi games that would load on my site (around 100 games) but I still have other Mochi games which are loading and submitting scores perfectly. All the pre-loading ads have gone...maybe these games will stop working in a few days :confused:
  16. Kevin

    Kevin New Member

    FYI that now redirects to after 30 seconds of the page loading. I'll leave it like that for a bit before the next step which would be shutting the site down completely and transferring the domain(s) to XFR. There are a bunch of Xen Arcade deviation domains in the collection so it'll be up to XFR to decide which ones he wants; whichever domains he doesn't want I will eventually let them lapse instead of renewing them.
    1. MichaelDance

      MichaelDance New Member

      MichaelDance @Kevin You made the best arcades and I hope your hard work will stay and be awesome with the new owner.
    2. Kevin

      Kevin New Member

      Kevin @MichaelDance @xfrocks has been busy with XFA; I know he has v3A games working again and has gone through the code tweaking anything that is catching his attention.

      I'm confident the project is in good hands under his control and am positive that people will be happier with him in charge.
      Veer, Radouane and xfrocks like this.
  17. khafan11

    khafan11 New Member

    [​IMG]i use 0.9.R1 upgrade to 2 ! all game have been disable !! dont show any thing ! just WhitePages !! cant downgrade
    The specified add-on is older than the install version. Downgrading is not possible.

    !! :| what i have to do ? [​IMG]
    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

    2. khafan11

      khafan11 New Member

      khafan11 @xfrocks github [​IMG][​IMG]
    3. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      khafan11 likes this.
    4. khafan11

      khafan11 New Member

      khafan11 @xfrocks but with 0.9 R1 works fine ! in others site :( [​IMG]
      can you replace another site like mochi games to upload game? [​IMG]
  18. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Mochi is closed, they may work for very short time in the future. No other plan to support other system as of now.
    khafan11 likes this.
  19. Kevin

    Kevin New Member

    I'm working on cleaning up my server a bit. I've just sent a PC to @xfrocks with a list of XenForo related arcade domain names to see which ones he wants to take over. The ones he doesn't want I will likely let lapse instead of renewing them (they're all due for renewal this July).

    Because the various threads & posts at "" are a bit ugly (well, negative would be a better word), combined with a bunch of private messages, the database won't be turned over (there are a lot of private messages that I would prefer to keep for reference) so when XFA does get its own section here at it will be starting over with a clean slate.

    With that in mind, I have two options on what to do with the current database. I can either leave it stand-alone on my server so I can access it privately when I need to or I can import it into one of my sites (likely in read-only mode (the threads would not be viewable to the public and only the accounts that are imported from would have access to view them). So.... is anybody who currently has an account at interested in being able to view the old content in read-only mode?
    xfrocks likes this.
    1. gemma

      gemma Member

      gemma @Kevin Just seen this, I don't really think there was very much that needed to be archived - not in the forums anyway. There was some useful information about NginX, AzuCloud Definitions and how to get the arcade working with xenPorta but I'm not sure how much of all that is relevant now.
    2. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @gemma Yes, I would agree with that.
  20. Kevin

    Kevin New Member

    I've imported the DB and will work on recreating the resources. After that there'll be no reason for me to keep the old XFA DB on the server anymore so I'll just be wiping the whole site and forwarding the domain at the registrar level.

    Unless XFRocks is planning on changing the routes then the AzuCloud definitions should still work going forward, same with the NginX rules.
    xfrocks likes this.