Use thread widgets in resource view.

Discussion in '[bd] Widget Framework' started by Arms, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Arms

    Arms New Member

    I create a thread for every resource I raise on my website. I'm also adding bdimage from the resource page to the thread.
    As each category has an equivalent forum, could the xf_deal_category.thread_node_id be used to make the widgets available to use the special:current forum from the forums menu on widget admin page?

    The current widgets aren't category aware and i really want to use bdimage sliders on the resource page.
  2. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    `xf_deal_category` is not a default table, it is from an add-on right?
    1. Arms

      Arms New Member

      Arms @xfrocks Sorry it should have been xf_resource_category.thread_node_id , a default table.
  3. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    So you want to put the widgets in Resource page and have them be aware of the discussion thread's forum?
  4. Arms

    Arms New Member

    As an example.


    As an example Premium resources can have a thread_node_id. On my forum, the resource categories and the forum/thread node hierarchy is the same.

    So the widgets on the forum_view of the thread_node_id should show the same as widgets on the category_view as they both have the same node id.
  5. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    I see your point now. Unfortunately, the Resource Manager add-on doesn't load the thread_node_id from the database, therefore the forum data is not available...
    1. Arms

      Arms New Member

      Arms @xfrocks but could be achieved with an addon?
  6. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Hmm, I guess so.