Resolved Some questions about the plugin

Discussion in 'WordPress' started by Adhen, Oct 6, 2015.

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  1. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    Hi there,

    I bought the plugin because I looked for a way, to sync the xenforo with wordpress and after two hours of reading your documentation and some try and error, it works now - I think so.

    But I have some questions: Is it possible to create Xenforo Threads for Wordpress Pages? It works with posts but not with pages?

    It does not save the forum for a post when I save a draft. But some posts are scheduled. There are no threads for this posts and I have to update every scheduled post after it was published to create a thread.

    Is it possible to to sync a XF Thread that already exists to a WP post?

    Hm, to test the plugin I have pushed a forum to a post. Saved. Okay it worked. But what happend if I do this again with another forum? Okay, now two threads are synced to the post... but how can I remove the second thread from the post?

    Okay, that are all questions for this time :)

    Hope you can understand me, english is not my native language.

  2. Adhen

    Adhen New Member


    This point is very important, could anyone develop a solution for this?

    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Adhen It's confirmed that sync for scheduled post is currently broken. Fix should be available soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    2. Adhen

      Adhen New Member

      Adhen @xfrocks Soon is when? Are you still working on this?
  3. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    The sync for scheduled posts is still broken.
    And there are some syntax errors in your Login sync JS.

    If I am using the merge and minify plugin in wordpress I get this error:

    3dc5576a-1479047805.js:470 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <


    // method overriding support

    And without the plugin this:

    index.php:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :

  4. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Looks like your minify plugin picks up some PHP file and some JSON file. Probably you need to track down exactly what files are those and exclude those files from being minified.

    Regarding the sync issue, sorry the fix is not out yet.
  5. Adhen

    Adhen New Member


    ehm this error apears only if the Sync logged-in cookie option in your plugin is activated. The first error is when I use the minify plugin and the second ist when I do not use minify but the Sync logged-in cookie option. I hope now you can understand me, english is not my native language. :/

    Another question:
    Is it possible to sort the boards in the dropdowns in the wordpress posts by the order in the forum. Now you sort them by the ID but if I have two boards that have the same Name (for example: Board1 - Subforum 1(News), Board 2 - Subforum 2 (News)) sometimes I don't know, wich board to choose. :D

    with best regards
  6. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Regarding the first issue, yeah, the sync logged-in cookie feature loads another file so you need to exclude it from being minify to work properly.

    For the 2nd issue, that error occurs with that feature turned on and the error is logged in browser console? That doesn't sound good, can you send me your url so I can come and check?

    For the question: nice suggestion. This should be available in the next release.
  7. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    Ah I forgott: The sync cookie does not work. When I logged in with wordpress I am not logged in in the forum and when logg in with forum I am not logged in on the blog. I think the error with the json has to be fixed so the cookie can work...
  8. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    And did you checked it already?
  9. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Latest version has been tested to work with scheduled post fyi.
  10. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    Hi, when I save a schedulded posting, the forum dropdown is empty. Is thar correct or must the forum be selected?

    But most important is the thing with the single sign-on. The cookie is not working. The errors from above still appears.
  11. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Which drop down? Can you provide a screenshot?
    For scheduled post, the plugin won't make any changes until the post is published at the scheduled time. After that happens, the plugin will sync the post etc. as per configured.

    You meant this error?

    Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
    Please disable the minify plugin and see if it works?
  12. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    No I mean this error:

    This Dropdown:

    1. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

      xfrocks @Adhen If nothing show up in that select box, you need to check the plugin settings page. You may need to reload it too (there is a link for that).
      Also, I don't seem to get that error going to, is that still your site address?
    2. Adhen

      Adhen New Member

      Adhen @xfrocks I have deactivated the Option for the sync cookie. now it is activated and the error still appears.
  13. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

  14. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    No its disabled.
  15. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Your site has this line in the source

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
    Do you know where it comes from?
    1. Adhen

      Adhen New Member

      Adhen @xfrocks No I don't know. When I disable the Sync logged-in cookie option, the line disappears.

      Hm I've tested the login sync a while and found out, that I f I login in the forum, I am not logged in in the Blog. When I login to blog over the frontend, I am logged in in the Blog but not in the forum. When I loggedin to the dashboard, I am logged in in the forum too. But the normal Users wont have access to the dashboard. And the error still appears -.-
    2. xfrocks

      xfrocks XenForo rocks!
      Staff Member

  16. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    Hm, this line disappears when I disable the Sync logged-in cookie option in your plugin options...
  17. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    Hm, I think I found the problem in the functions.php:

    function remove_cssjs_ver( $src ) {
    if (!strpos($src,'google'))
    $parts = explode( '?', $src );
    $parts[0] = $src;

    return $parts[0];
    add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'remove_cssjs_ver', 10, 2 );
    add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'remove_cssjs_ver', 10, 2 );

    This removes Versions from css and php files. So it removes all after the ? from the php file. Hm, but when I try this:

    function remove_cssjs_ver( $src ) {
    if (!strpos($src,'google') || !strpos($src,'forum'))
    $parts = explode( '?', $src );
    $parts[0] = $src;

    return $parts[0];
    add_filter( 'style_loader_src', 'remove_cssjs_ver', 10, 2 );
    add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'remove_cssjs_ver', 10, 2 );

    It doesn't change anything...
  18. xfrocks

    xfrocks XenForo rocks!
    Staff Member

    Is this some plugin of yours? It would not recommend missing our with version query in script urls. Sometime they are needed for proper cache busting.
  19. Adhen

    Adhen New Member

    This is some security stuff, to prevent that other people can se the used wordpress version. Wenn I tried to ignore the api php file but it doesn't work. Do you know how I can skip the file from your plugin?